The Tablelands Cassowary Rehabilitation Facility

The Tablelands Cassowary Rehabilitation Facility is operated by Rainforest Reserves Australia, in partnership with Queensland Department of Environment & Science to provide a sanctuary for injured or orphaned Cassowaries.
The Tablelands Cassowary Facility is the first privately operated sanctuary of it’s kind in the world.
In a secure and heavily forested area, cassowaries are free to roam, safe from feral predators. Once ready, cassowaries are released back into the wilderness of Far North Queensland.
Southern Cassowaries are listed under the EPBC Act as Endangered.
A number of factors affect Southern Cassowary survival: habitat loss and fragmentation, vehicle strikes, dog attacks, human interactions, pigs, disease and natural catastrophic events.
The Tablelands Cassowary Rehabilitation Facility is a heavily forested, secure area where Cassowaries can roam free.
Some of our previous Cassowary residents…