Join the fight: Protect the ancient forests of the Upper Burdekin, now and forever.
Donate to our Legal Fighting Fund.
To make a direct donation to Rainforest Reserves Australia inc. Public Fund :
BSB: 064 800
Account number: 10317242
Rainforest Reserves Australia is apolitical. We stand only for nature.
All donations are Tax Deductible. We are a Registered Australian Charity.
ABN: 99646955677
Donate to help save an area of outstanding universal value, a refugia for endangered wildlife and important vegetation.
Rainforest Reserves Australia Inc v Minister for the Environment & Water and Upper Burdekin Wind Farm Holdings Pty Ltd (VID837/2024) [HSF-AUS01.FID5913979]
We have lodged a Federal Court challenge to conserve the greater eastern range area of Upper Burdekin.
The Federal Environment Minister approved Upper Burdekin wind development (now named Gawara Baya Wind Farm) this year - we are opposing the decision and standing up for conservation of this great area.
Where is Upper Burdekin? It's in the Great Dividing Range, north of Townsville, inland from Ingham, in the catchment area of the Great Barrier Reef, and abuts our World Heritage Wet Tropics. The proposed Mt Fox Energy Park is just next door.
The cumulative impact of this level of industrialisation is just too great.

UPDATE 14.08.24: We’ve received feedback that a Go Fund Me is a good, easy way for people to donate. Visit our Go Fund Me fundraiser page here.
On the 18th June 2024 Windlab’s Upper Burdekin / Gawara Baya wind farm was approved by Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek.
We are extremely distressed at this development. After 2 years of the community campaigning against the wind farm proposal, it’s approval sets a disturbing precedent for projects that can ‘get over line’.
If this project can be approved on such biodiverse critical habitat, no landscape containing threatened species in Queensland is truly safe.
We are appealing this decision and ask for your generous help. We can’t do this without the support of nature lovers like you!
The site of the Upper Burdekin wind farm is home to a remarkable array of threatened species: the Greater Glider, the Sharman’s Rock Wallaby, the Masked Owl, the Magnificent Brood Frog, the Grey-Headed Flying Fox, the Spectacled Flying Fox, the Greater Large-Eared Horse Shoe Bat, the list goes on.
Remarkably, a thriving population of Northern Koalas was discovered here by ecologists contracted to survey the wind farm site! But this discovery has not stopped this appalling project.
Even our rarest raptor, the critically endangered Red Goshawk, about so which so little is known, has been seen here.
Our Northern Koalas, our Red Goshawks and all the threatened species living peacefully on the Upper Burdekin / Gawara Baya wind farm site need us to stand up! Please give to help us stop this.
A shocking amount of critical habitat will be destroyed for this industrial scale wind farm. This off the charts in an extinction crisis! Remember that 1 hectare (ha) represents around 1.5 soccer fields. We will lose up to:
· 605.3 ha of Sharman’s Rock Wallaby habitat
· 581 ha of Greater Glider habitat, 331 ha of denning habitat and 250 ha of foraging habitat
· 581 ha of Masked Owl habitat
· 614 ha of Koala habitat
· 616 ha of Red Goshawk habitat, including 331 ha of breeding habitat and 285 ha of foraging habitat
· 614 ha of Grey-headed Flying-Fox foraging habitat
· 614 ha of Spectacled Flying-Fox foraging habitat
· 546 ha of Greater Large-eared Horseshoe Bat roosting habitat
· 545 ha of Bare-rumped Sheathtail Bat habitat
· 614 ha of White-throated Needletail habitat
· 614 ha of Fork-tailed Swift habitat
This is appalling!
We urgently need your help to build a fighting fund to stop this.
Please, help us legally challenge this decision.
Get onboard the campaign to stop this ecocidal wind farm and help protect the threatened species we hold so dear.
About us: Rainforest Reserves Australia is a small volunteer based Not-For-Profit who stand for the preservation and protection of Queensland's nature. We're completely independent which allows us to do the critical work we do. Over the last few years, we've raised significant media attention regarding plight of wildlife and wilderness to be impacted by Chalumbin and Upper Burdekin / Gawara Baya wind developments, and have directed focus on clearing of Koala habitat from inappropriate wind developments in QLD.
We are a registered charity and you can find out more about us here:
Thank you for supporting us to stop the wind farm and protect the beautiful wilderness and threatened wildlife of the Upper Burdekin / Gawara Baya wind farm site.
We are truly grateful for your support.
To make a direct donation to
Rainforest Reserves Australia:
BSB: 064 800
Account number: 10317242
Rainforest Reserves Australia is apolitical. We stand only for nature.
All donations are Tax Deductible. We are a Registered Australian Charity.
ABN: 99646955677
“I made a pledge to conserve nature.
That’s the goal and purpose of my life.”
Carolyn Emms, founder and President of Rainforest Reserves Australia