QUEENSLAND RESIDENTS: We’re calling for a Moratorium on the renewables rollout in Queensland. Please sign the petition.
We can’t stand by and let pristine habitat be destroyed for large scale renewables in Queensland.
We’ve seen first hand the thriving Koala population at Lotus Creek and Gawara Baya wind farm sites, landscapes that are now threatened to be cleared for now-approved giant wind farms.
Destroying critical habitat for renewables makes no sense. Our high elevation intact forests are natural carbon sinks. They cool the earth and provide our wild-living threatened species the best chance of survival as the climate warms. This habitat should be conserved at all costs in an extinction and climate crisis.
We’re calling for a Moratorium on all renewables in Queensland until community consultation and appropriate review has been conducted. We are also calling for the toothless State Code 23: Wind Farm Development to be scrapped as it currently allows wholesale habitat destruction for the sake of large-scale wind farms.
QLD RESIDENTS this petition is only open to you. Our threatened wildlife and ancient forests need your protection.
Please sign the Queensland State Parliament petition here:
Please spread the word and ask your Queensland-based friends and family to sign the petition too.
Our Koalas and Gliders, possums, wallabies, bats, raptors, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects and all wildlife that live in these special forests needs us to speak up to protect their home.