
LAST CHANCE to say NO to the ecocidal Upper Burdekin/ Gawara Baya wind development

SAY NO TO THE ECOCIDAL UPPER BURDEKIN / GAWARA BAYA WIND DEVELOPMENT, NQ - a stronghold for Koalas, Greater Gliders and Sharman's Rock Wallabies and home for many more threatened species.

Please write a quick email to Tanya Plibersek here to state your opposition:


Windlab's ecocidal Upper Burdekin wind development is at the final stage of approval, now sitting with Minister Tanya Plibersek. Only in Queensland can such an appalling proposal ever get off the ground. But we're watching that EPBC Portal and tracking proposals and are standing up to say NO to this absolute SHOCKER! This proposal is disastrous. It will kill wildlife. It may end local populations of critically threatened species. We need to stop this.

The Public Environment Report, published on the 30th of August, makes for distressing reading. It is at the final stage of approval - only in Queensland could this appalling wind farm ever get off the ground. It's a DISGRACE it has made it this far.

Check out the PER here: https://www.gawarabaya.com/public-environment-report

So many critically threatened species inhabit these landscapes now under threat for a 69 turbine wind development. It's unthinkable that this development may get through.

If approved, the wind development will result in 'unavoidable significant impacts' to these threatened species who will lose this critical habitat:

• Sharman’s rock wallaby – 598 ha

• Koala – 614 ha

• Greater glider – 581 ha

• Red goshawk – 616 ha

• Masked owl – 243 ha.

Koalas were recorded on 21 occasions during field surveys and were in healthy condition. Female koalas with joeys were observed on three occasions during the dry season surveys and mating bellows were recorded in the dry and wet season surveys, indicating this is an active breeding population.

This is SHOCKING. We are in an extinction crisis. This cannot, must not be approved.