Media Release


No social license! Mt Fox BESS approved by Hinchbrook Shire Council despite widespread community opposition 

On 19th July 2024, the CEO of Hinchinbrook Shire Council Mary-Anne Uren announced the approval of the Mount Fox Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). It was announced in late 2022 that ARENA would provide conditional funding for the project. The BESS will form part of the proposed Mount Fox wind farm, a 57 turbine wind farm that will see the clearing of precious vegetation that is home to threatened species.

The CEO stated that an “independent review” was sought from a “nationally recognised company with expertise in assessing renewable energy facilities” and subsequently approved.

The approval comes despite wide community opposition. It is unconscionable that the Hinchinbrook Shire Council have gone against the wishes of their constituents to approve this development.

It is clear now that small regional communities of Queensland get no real say over renewables projects that they oppose if their representative body, the local council, ignores them. This flies in the face of the democratic process.

States Carolyn Emms, President of Rainforest Reserves Australia “There must be social license for renewables projects. Regional communities that were once close knit are being torn apart while a few benefit and the rest of the community and nature suffer.”

“We ask CEO Mary-Anne Uren who this nameless company is and what sort of relationship they have with Hinchinbrook Shire Council. Why should this mysterious company, financially invested in the renewables rollout, hold more sway in the decision than rate-paying community members. This is a real breach of transparency and trust from this council.”

The Mount Fox BESS concerns conservationists as it will be attached to the proposed Mount Fox wind farm on the Seaview Ranges. Nearby are the proposed Karma wind farm and now controversially approved Upper Burdekin/Gawara Baya wind farm. Red Goshawks, Koalas, Greater Gliders and other threatened species are confirmed to inhabit these biodiverse-rich ranges. Approval of these wind farms will result in thousands of hectares cleared, roads carved through wilderness, weeds and pests introduced and likely erosion running off into waterways that flow onto the Great Barrier Reef. Aerial life, raptors and bats will fare badly.

“It seems a foregone conclusion that the Mount Fox BESS and wind farm will be approved. This is disgraceful in a biodiversity crisis. What sort of cosy relationships are going on behind the scenes at all levels of Government? This makes a farce of community consultation and social license, and threatened species will pay the price” states Emms.

“This is not just a local issue but a matter of national interest as it affects the overall well-being of our country. This blind pursuit of renewable energy targets come at the expense of regional communities, our environment and treasured wildlife.”  states Emms.

Rainforest Reserves Australia and The Michael Creek Valley Action Group stand united in calling for a halt to these destructive projects, urging the government to reassess its approach to renewable energy rollouts in Queensland.

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